
Paul Frew MLA

Jeff Peel in Conversation with Northern Ireland Assembly Member Paul Frew on the proposed 'Public Health' law in Northern Ireland

I should have interviewed Paul Frew well before now. Paul has probably been the only elected representative in the United Kingdom to take a consistent stand against lockdowns, vaccine mandates and “pandemic response” state overreach. In the darkest times Paul has been a beacon for free speech, free thinking and libertarian values. He has been wholly consistent over the last four years and is now joining the campaign against the proposed NI Health Bill - being championed by the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP).

We discuss why it is that the UUP, traditionally the sister party of the Conservative Party in Britain, has been so motivated to introduce highly authoritarian measures - during the Covid years and now. A UUP Minister, Robin Swann, presided over the state sanctioned tyranny during the Covid years. The UUP was insistent on taking the Health Ministry again when the hapless Assembly regrouped in January (after a two year suspension - the latest of many).

The proposed Health Bill is being trail-blazed at a time when Northern Ireland - in common with other parts of the UK and Ireland - is wrestling with the destruction caused by “pandemic” response. Rates of suicide among young people have spiralled, vaccine injury has been ignored or brushed under the carpet, and the health service is dealing with chronic waiting lists for a host of procedures.

Meanwhile the UUP Minister, Mike Nesbitt, is rushing through a Bill to give the state the power to force entry into people’s homes, inflict involuntary medical procedures on them and potentially forcibly vaccinate them if the Health Department declares a COVID-like health crisis.

The attention of the world is on Northern Ireland. The draft legislation is straight from the WHO’s pandemic response copy-book. So, naturally, the freedom movement around the world wants to see this thing stopped as soon as possible.

In this interview Paul gives us the latest status on the legislation - and his determination to bog it down at every scrutiny stage if the Minister insists on bringing the Bill to draft or presenting it in the legislative chamber.

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