Hugh McCarthy is a former Head Teacher and government advisor on education and curriculum development. He was one of the few senior teachers, or former teachers, in the UK to speak out against school closures during the Covid lockdown period. He was also heavily censored by social media and mainstream media for taking a stand - despite his vast experience as an educationalist in Northern Ireland (one of the best performing regions in the UK in terms of attainment at GCSE and A level).
As a result of numerous requests from many parents, Hugh has now turned his attention to the so-called Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) guidelines emanating from the World Health Organisation and now making their way to schools across the United Kingdom.
Hugh argues that education authorities and schools across the UK are being strong-armed by a radical ‘liberal’ lobby to teach, for example, gender diversity ideology and sexuality ‘awareness’ to children as young as five. He refers to his own experience in Northern Ireland to provide a case study for how a supra-national and unelected body is imposing its will through the UK government, curriculum authorities and trade unions - over the heads of parents.
It’s Hugh’s view that most parents would not want this type of material taught, regardless of their religious beliefs (or lack of them). He outlines how parents can withdraw their consent for this propaganda to be taught - and to make their views known to schools and education authorities.
If you are a parent, or are interested in knowing how the WHO is meddling in our education curriculum, this is an important conversation to listen to.
Hugh has also written several articles for UKColumn. Follow this link for the full list.
Relationship and Sexuality Education and the WHO