A few years ago I decided to visit a big trade show in Dusseldorf called Medica. For quite some time I’d worked in information technology - often helping to get early stage technology companies funded. But I’d heard there were rich pickings for consultants, like me, to broker investment deals in the healthcare space. So I went to Dusseldorf to schmooze about. But it didn’t take long to realise that the sector wasn’t for me.
The event coincided with an outbreak of bird flu - and there were hucksters for Tamiflu everywhere. I was told by some of the delegates that the drug companies had to “make hay” when they could. Drug development was expensive and getting a drug “sold in” could make or break a company. Development cycles were long for drugs, I was told, largely because of the time it took for testing. And, inevitably, the venture capital firms were going cold on a market where products could take decades before approval for use on humans.
Hence, my due diligence told me that this wasn’t a sector for me. I’d leave it to the experts.
The view that everybody held back then was that safety was the main reason why drug development - and even medical equipment development - was a long game played by funders with deep pockets. There was an understanding, it seemed, that determining cause (of a disease) and effect (of a drug) on a complex system (the human body) was very, very difficult. Very time consuming. Very meticulous. Pure-play R&D could only be undertaken by the biggest players, possibly underwritten by NGOs or governments or both.
“complex systems do not have obvious one-dimensional cause-and-effect mechanisms, and that under opacity, you do not mess with such a system.”
Naseem Taleb's mantra, it seemed, applied to the life sciences sector - because, clearly, affecting human health with unproven drugs or procedures or therapies was the stuff of Frankenstein. Only with testing, checking, balancing, safety…could we be sure that no monsters would be created.
Then, in 2020, it was decided that such agreed rules would be waived. The bureaucrats and administrators put in charge of advising governments and assessing risk told us all that mRNA technology would be a great fix for the man-made plague that was SARS-Cov-2. In short, man-made technology would fix a man-made problem: a nuclear arsenal was built to defeat a nuclear arsenal.
And nuclear it is. The virus, it seems, has a pay-load that includes a spike protein. The chosen means of protecting against the virus was to create a drug with a super-enhanced and super-replicable spike protein based on human RNA. And, it seems, that when such a concoction of matter is injected into a lot of people’s highly complex genomes their bodies just don’t know how to cope. Many of the symptoms suffered by people with adverse reactions are like extreme examples of the response to Covid-19. In fact, it appears, by injecting this so-called “vaccine” we have created a new and super-efficient version of the disease.
Facts are still emerging. Only now are we getting to hear just why it might be that so many people are dying of strange afflictions - such as internal organ failure, prion-caused brain disease like Parkinson’s and CJD, and heart failure.
But one thing is certain. Excess deaths are going up. In Week 1 of 2023 excess deaths in England and Wales were 23% higher than the average weekly deaths for the period 2015-2019. Out of the 40 weeks from Week 13, 2022 to Week 1, 2023, every week (but 4) have had excess deaths. And the overall trend seems to be going up.
A 23% increase in excess deaths is a vast death-toll: 2,808 to be exact. That’s 2,808 more deaths than would be expected.
I’m not claiming that the vaccine is the sole cause. It’s clear that other factors are at play: a backlog of procedures in the NHS, a broken care system, a higher level of suicide post-lockdown. But for the government to refuse to countenance that drugs rushed to market, bypassing the normal rigorous approvals required, might just be a contributory factor, amounts to malfeasance. There are causes of the excess deaths. We need to be told what they are.

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