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BBC Verified Colonialism

The full interview with Jusper Machogu

Many of us were made very angry when a BBC hit-piece was published about Kenyan farmer Jusper Machogu last week. Written by Marco Silva of the BBC’s “Verify” team the piece vilified Jusper - a small-holding Kenyan farmer - for having the temerity to challenge climate alarmism that has become the BBC’s stock-in-trade. 

Silva then created a thread on Twitter to spread more climate alarmism. The article made clear that the BBC (funded to the tune of £5.7billion per annum by the UK taxpayer) was “tracking conversations” by Jusper on Twitter/X.  This tracking activity showed that Jusper’s social media activity had considerable international reach - particularly to those of us who agree with Jusper that the international climate alarmism community is becoming increasingly nasty - and ‘owned’ by corporatist interests in the ‘green’ lobby.  

Jusper’s eloquence and concern for his family and fellow-citizens shines through. He’s a farmer, his toil is unending, and he’d like to make enough money so that his Mother might visit the Masai Mara - like the millions of visitors who fly in from the West on hydrocarbon-fuel powered jumbo jets.  

Jusper, and his mother, are smallholding farmers in Kenya. Like many farmers in Africa they are forced to rely on toil rather than technology to farm their lands. While this has been seen, in the past, as a barrier to feeding African citizens, now the international community of climate alarmists have joined in the fray to ensure that African farmers remain subsistence farmers in perpetuity. Farm machinery should be electric powered, they argue. Electricity should be generated from cattle-dung - not oil or gas. Fertilisers should be taxed to reflect their role in ‘climate change’. The consequence is declining use of fertiliser, higher barriers to entry for farm machinery, less reliable electricity production - and hunger. 

The Marco Silva hit-piece on Jusper Machogu named Joyce Kimutai - a researcher at the University of Capetown - as a voice of reason in the anthropogenic climate change community. Silva noted that Ms Kimutai had even submitted papers to the IPCC.  However, Ms Kimutai's research is defined in the context that man-made climate change is a given and there's universal scientific consensus around manmade climate change causality (which is clearly nonsense).  

Silva presents the climate emergency catastrophist community as good; Jusper Machogu as bad (particularly for doing something unforgivable in the eyes of the BBC Verify team i.e. his own research).  Silva also notes that Jusper raised some £7,000 from donations to help him with his campaigning and support for other farmers in Africa. But, to date, Jusper has been unable to access any of this money from the donation platform on which it was raised. 

Silva failed to mention how much Ms Silva is paid as a staffer on the ACDI (African Climate and Development Initiative) at the University of Capetown - itself funded by the UK government through the Global Challenges Research Fund. So it appears to be perfectly acceptable to be paid by an initiative funded by the UK government but not to raise money from donors willing to support a small-holding farmer in Kenya speaking common sense. As Jusper makes clear in the article, it’s much easier these days to make money by jumping on the climate catastrophe bandwagon than to express any degree of common sense or critical thinking.  

And, of course, Marco Silva, himself, is paid by the BBC to spread ad hominem attacks on social media against hard-working strivers like Jusper hoping to just get by - and perhaps raise enough money to buy a tractor.  

Jusper is clearly very well educated and highly intelligent. He can also smell neo-colonialist propaganda from self-appointed moral guardians a mile away. Jusper is used to bullshit. He’s forced to use it to fertilise his crops, for one thing. 

If, like me, you find patronising, colonialist character assassinations by BBC shills highly annoying, you’ll enjoy Jusper’s interview.  

I’m leaving the comments on this post open to all my subscribers - paid and unpaid.  

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