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Aisling O'Loughlin in Conversation

Former Irish TV news anchor and newspaper columnist lambasts a media industry gone rogue.

Yesterday I published a piece about how, in my view, BBC journalists may find themselves in court if the Hillsborough Law is applied in the United Kingdom. BBC journalists have been at the forefront of the campaign over the last 4+ years to spread fear, and to force the population to suspend free thinking and succumb to medical coercion. But the BBC’s failure in its duty of candour may well land its apparatchiks in jail - here’s hoping.

However, not all journalists were willing to put up with the propagandising of the last four years.

Aisling O’Loughlin was a news anchor on an Irish TV station for six years; a celebrity interview red carpet reporter; and a major newspaper columnist. But then she gave it all up to call out a media industry that seemed intent to rob us of our ability to think.

Aisling was unwilling to accept the unrelenting fear propaganda and globalist clap-trap being peddled by her former employers in Ireland - and their opposite numbers in the UK and beyond. When Covid hit she was living in France where Covid restrictions made it feel like she was living in rehashed Vichy regime. She decided it was time to return home to Ireland and use her skills as a communicator to speak out about the need to challenge nonsense masquerading as news.

This is a fascinating conversation with a wonderful free-thinker. Aisling calls on us all to keep a watching brief on our shared humanity as the globalists try to destroy our nations and our right to free speech and thought.

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Jeffrey Peel
Aisling O'Loughlin