We're all fascists now
38 Degrees and other 'activist' platforms are controlled by a 'New Labour' Mafia
There has been a lot of mainstream media coverage relating to the exit of Sue Gray from Number 10. However, the media has given less attention to her replacement, Morgan McSweeney.
For those of you who have missed this news story, Gray was apparently ousted because of a “political storm at the heart of Downing Street” (according to the Guardian). Although we can probably assume that this is nonsense. It gives the impression that Machiavellian power-play is the order of the day in Downing Street. But I get the impression that this is a front for what is relatively calm, and focused, bureaucracy. Like the mafia.
Reported back-biting and power-play gives the impression that we have an ego-driven ‘team’ at the heart of our democracy - with the key actors constantly jostling for position to get their views known or their policies adopted. However, the Starmer administration has been manipulated into position and is being tightly controlled by a well-oiled team of bureaucrats intent on getting things done (for masters we know little about). Ms Gray and Mr McSweeney are being mustered to fulfil their roles. And these are not roles that we’ll ever get to know much about. Indeed they may not even be the most important players in the establishment pecking order. The UK government - and the devolved administrations - are clearly being told what to do and what policies to adopt - by much more important power-players.
But these political appointments are of some interest because of the back-story we’re told about each. The back-stories give the impression that each has been on a journey towards power. McSweeney emerged from an Irish bog and quickly climbed the greasy pole of UK left wing activist politics. Although it looks more like he was a paid enforcer - tasked with turning the Labour Party into the pink-hued, globalist, cliché-parroting, anti-semite-policing, Corbyn-despising wing of the uniparty. In short, his role was to help emulsify the Labour Party into the bland blancmange that was elected by 20% of the electorate and spin it into a ‘landslide victory’.
Meanwhile Sue Gray moved from being the Partygate investigator (appointed by Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson) to being Keir Starmer’s Chief of Staff in rather short order. But she’s a bureaucrat working for the uniparty administration - what else would you expect her to do?
And now she’s been moved out to become Chief Enforcer in the regions. After all, apparently she used to run a pub in Newry in Northern Ireland - before applying to become Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (a role she didn’t secure - so frightening was she to the mini-me Whitehall (in Belfast)).
My suspicion is that Gray’s new role will be to keep the devolved regions on the rails, doing the globalist stuff that they are required to do - and to beta-test new tyranny legislation and free speech stifling techniques. Over the last few years Whitehall has been extending its tendrils into the DRs (as it calls them) by opening swanky new offices in Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh to ensure HM Government has a big and obvious footprint in each. The local assemblies are now much more under Whitehall’s control than they were before (especially with the demise of the Scots Nats). And the regions are now the recipients of tasty big ‘city deals’ or other big cherries largely funded by corporate partners of the WEF and WHO. It’s well known that the best sweeteners to get local elected representatives on-side is to tantalise with the offers of, for example, a big research grant from Wellcome Trust for a university virology department; or the opening of a wind turbine plant in a ‘less advantaged’ constituency. My suspicion is that Gray will keep the DRs in line, as well as the ‘red wall’ constituencies ‘up North’.
McSweeney’s role is likely to focus on misinformation.
With an almost totally propagandised mainstream media, McSweeney has proven his laurels by running an NGO with the overt purpose of suppressing alternative media and campaign groups that attempt to become visible or popular or both. And the preferred method adopted by the uniparty is to use well-proven tactics: suppression, de-platforming and mud-slinging.
Handily, McSweeney set-up and ran an organisation that was rather good at this. He was the Founder of the Center for Countering Digital Hate - a self-appointed Ministry of Truth with multiple missions:
To stop nasty things being said about the megalomaniac, George Soros
To discredit George Galloway and spread misinformation about anyone not overtly Zionist
To stop anyone telling the truth about the devastating consequences of lockdowns or the mandating of COVID-19 vaccines
According to the organisation’s Wikipedia entry, the CCDH:
has identified the top 12 spreaders of anti-vaccine disinformation on social media platforms. The "Disinformation Dozen" were: Joseph Mercola, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, and Kevin Jenkins.
Now, obviously, what the CCDH describes as anti-vaccine disinformation most free-thinking people would call opinions. These were the things that people used to have and were free to articulate. But the CCDH actively pressured media organisations to cancel anyone who expressed opinions not approved by the CCDH - an organisation founded by the UK Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff and the architect of the Labour Party’s election victory in the general election.
I’d encourage you to read the Wikipedia article about CCDH. Wikipedia is hardly noted for its embracing of free speech or criticism of left-wing thought police NGOs. But the CCDH’s attempts to stifle healthy debate and criticism of big pharma is well documented even in this article:
McSweeney’s CCDH is right at the top of the pile of thought-police NGOs. But there are others, of course. In fact there are loads of them - all of which have emerged from the lefty, globalist establishment and funded, often, by the government or government donors or Mossad.
Let’s take 38Degrees, for example. This is the organisation that hosts petitions for ordinary people, apparently, wanting to make change. Naively I hosted a petition on the platform in order to get support for the campaign against the proposed Health Bill for Northern Ireland. This is a proposed piece of legislation that would give huge powers to the state to break into people’s homes, arrest them and perform medical examinations and other medical interventions upon them. These things are detailed in the consultation document that has been issued by the Northern Ireland Department of Health. Many, many people - across the United Kingdom - are incensed by the proposed legislation. It’s for this reason that I (rather naively in hindsight) decided to create a petition on the 38D platform - which became part of the StopTheNIHealthBill campaign. And within 2 days over 6,000 people had signed. And then 38Degrees removed the petition saying it was inappropriate. This means that I’m unable to communicate with any of the supporters or signatories.
Like McSweeny, the CEO of 38Degrees, Matthew McGregor, is also a left-wing political animal.
Here’s his bio:
Matthew is a lifelong campaigner for social justice and progressive causes, including for trade unions, trade justice campaigns, for the UK’s leading antifascist group, and for centre-left political parties and candidates in several countries. In 2012, Matthew led Digital Rapid Response for President Obama’s re-election campaign, based in Chicago.
Note the reference to “the UK’s leading antifascist group”. That would be Hope not Hate, the lefty think tank that seeks intent on stoking racial division and tensions in society. McGregor, like McSweeny, was fixated on uncovering ‘anti-semitism’ in the labour Party - no doubt because of the HNT’s links to Zionist groups.
But there’s a fundamental problem here. Ordinary people are very limited in their ability to bring truth to power. The House of Commons Petitions system is currently suspended. 38Degrees is the only free alternative platform. However, the organisation appears not to be able to countenance petitions that run counter to the organisation’s own world-view: a world-view that handily seems to be shared by the government, the government’s Chief of Staff and just about every NGO: that government policy and proposed medical tyranny can’t be challenged by mere citizens. And that freedom of speech can’t be countenanced.
Thanks Jeff!
Ireland’s quite the breeding ground. I’d hazard a guess that spooky Ms Grey was doing more than slinging pints in Newry.
Are any of the petition peddlers reliable?
Unbelievable! Charlatans!