Insurance companies/life actuaries are rightly concerned with "excess" death on a yearly basis.

In the case of 2020, they and other relevant professionals would do well to look at spring 2020 EVENT mortality at the CITY level using DAILY data and consider whether the purporeted number of deaths could have occurred.

New York City is the best major-city example of a highly unlikely, possibly fraudelent event, but London warrants close examination as well


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There was a massive unexplained OHCA event in NYC that has gone underinvestigated. I call it the "OG" Died Suddenly incident. Some of my colleagues think this was simply triggered media panic; I strongly disagree and contend that OHCAs would not occur in a curve from just about any force. There are multiple possibilities for what occurred, but none of them exclude data engineering/timeshifting

See figure 4 https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/disturbing-federal-data-on-autopsies

London had one too, but at a lower magnitude

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The report keeps mentioning Covid 19 which was a hoax, no new ‘respiratory’ illness was present. All symptoms were already known from all and any previous ‘flu’ seasons.

Government protocols were the cause of Excess Mortality until the ‘jabs’ when the effects of them took over.

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I think that's implicit in the report. I agree with you by the way.

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Shifting blame anywhere but the precious vaccine itself.. these clots and sudden unexplained deaths only began after 2021… the smoking gun is pointing towards humanity from the CDC .. the bullets provided from those giant pharmaceutical corporations … I will never believe anything that comes from the ONS ever again my parents died because they fudged data enough to convince them both to take the jab my father managed to live 18 months after jab two .. my mother died 10 days after jab three…

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