
Thank you, Jeff, for a brilliant chat (and great write-up!). We discussed a lot of names and how they and their projects interconnect, which I covered further in this article which your followers may find useful as accompanying reading: https://miri.substack.com/p/here-comes-the-flood-all-aboard-the?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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May 20Liked by Jeffrey Peel

Brilliant podcast, thoroughly enjoyed it. A couple of thoughts. 1/ Fritz Springmeier, in his book Bloodlines of the Illuminati, states that all illuminati are programmed from birth, using satanic ritual abuse. MK Ultra was another torture based mind control method used by the CIA and Tavistock. There are various MK programmes, one of which is called Monarch. The Monarch butterfly motif in KC's portrait may be the bloodlines communicating he is under their control. This link is a resource set up by one survivor to expose the CIA/Tavistock programmes but there are many more. https://fightingmonarch.com/page/. Margaret Thatcher's cabinet was 25% Jewish and a Rothschild was one of her senior advisers, so she was a friend of Zionist Israel. She was also a close friend of J Savile, thought to be a CIA/Mossad honeypot employee, just like Epstein. She encouraged his work at Stoke Mandeville, hosted him at Chequers and insisted he be given a knighthood. Hmmmm.

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May 17Liked by Jeffrey Peel

Miri and Jeff thank you both for a thoroughly enjoyable podcast. I am posting this on both your Substack comment threads as I have the good taste to subscribe to you both!

On the topic of fighting back, I am completely on board with the “go local and independent” approach to elections but in addition to that I wonder what you think about the prospects for more direct democracy measures which the Brexit referendum was a gratifying example of. The Swiss have their system of petitions attracting sufficient support leading to national referenda and I wonder if we have exploited sufficiently our petition processes. I can see Bob Moran’s point relating to petition fatigue:


but I was struck by the success of the following petition to the Welsh Senedd


against the blanket reduction of 30mph speed limits to 20mph in Wales. This petition garnered almost 470,000 signatures which I believe is more than the total votes cast for the governing party in the previous Senedd election. Compared to total electorate, I think this number would equate to over 8 million signatures for the whole UK. It has recently been announced by the new Welsh Transport Minister that this blanket speed limit reduction will be reversed. Eminently sensible Westminster parliamentary petitions seem to struggle to get over the 100,00 signature level which triggers consideration for parliamentary debate. As well as fatigue, this suggests social media suppression, shadow banning etc. Do you think there is merit in pushing resistance via this route too?

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Hi Trevor, the jury is out for me on petitions. Because they are digital they are cheap to administer and give the illusion of participation. Even if they achieve a debate those can be ignored or take place in an empty chamber. Miri is right. The best method of stone-walling tyranny is to get lots of indies elected at every level of government.

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May 18Liked by Jeffrey Peel

I fear parliamentary petition proliferation as well as the independent platform ones has caused petition fatigue as Bob's cartoon brilliantly portrays. Moreover, the pure government-speak responses and potential to deny debates at all or knobble the ones that are permitted are all factors encouraging the majority not to participate just like election voting has been discouraged. And that's even if the petition digital signatures are accurately recorded in the total which I have my doubts about although I am certain the records of who is guilty of wrong-think in signing the petitions is there on permanent record. And yet ... there is the example of the Welsh petition. Perhaps they got lucky and at that time the establishment anti-petition flak operation hadn't been deployed in Wales. As well as our long term strategy of supporting independent candidates or, if none available, "constructively" spoiling our ballot papers If there was even one petition our side could get total signatures up into the millions of voters it would be difficult to ignore.

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