Declaration of interests from all Cabinet members would be insightful.

As you say, where and from whom did they receive leadership training---Tri-lateral commission,Common purpose,WEF etc

Follow their money.

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It is beginning to dawn on me that the B.R.I.C.S countries (and their alliance partners) and the 'traditional' western economies may be more aligned than I originally thought? Gorbachev's reforms were all carried out under the watchful eye of the W.E.F. China (we know) had a highly successful 50 year plan as the cracks were beginning to appear in the Mao regime in the 1970's. India is a very far cry from when I was hacking about the country in the late 1980's (though even then - you could see change looming). I'm trying to look upon this whole 'global reset' as a negotiating opportunity, rather than just an opportunity to protest and pelt rocks. It's not (at all) easy as the main instrumental 'front line' soldiers of the reset are so monumentally narcissistic. However, that cannot deter us. We must remember SunZu. They really want anarchy and rebellion. That would be a dream come true. Military lockdown would immediately follow - including curfews - and that would lose any opportunity for negotiation for a generation. Look at any third-world country fresh out of a well-financed military coup as historical guidance on this issue? I think your point is salient Jeffrey. We need some answers. We need to find calm and fully legal instruments for getting those answers - all the way across the UK - with a coordinated approach. I'm saying all of this - I get as angry and vitriolic as anyone, but nothing is changing. Therefore the conclusion I am drawing is my approach is crap. Maybe my first port of call is to ask my M.P (who used to be the P.M) for a wider audience than the somewhat ineffective 15 minute 1:1's an M.P's clinic has used since year dot. I'm open to suggestions on how best to achieve this? Now might be the right time. She was clearly no fan of Boris Johnson.

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People won't wake up to the WEFers until the planned demolition of the western economy is complete, they've lost the FIAT in their bank accounts and then they're 'saved' with programmed CBDCs and in digital slavery.

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Why not start with our new PM, he is one of Klaus's young leaders.

All the old commonwealth will soon be under the control of the WEF.

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Over Here, I wonder: "What's in it , actually a positive gain, for Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, et al?

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I've asked myself that many times. I suspect, after a while, billionaires develop a God-complex - an extreme form of narcism psychosis. It's as though they get a weird thrill and dopamine rush when their actions command a vast MSM response, toadying by government ministers and huge increases in value of their investments.

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