Thanks to Bret Weinstein for pointing out that we got our maths a bit wrong on the Australia/New Zealand slides. I'll amend the video and reload shortly.

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Now done

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It is undoubtedly the worst medical intervention in the whole history of medicine. Those of us who could see this coming have watched in horror as this disaster unfolded beginning in late 2020 when the first scientists started warning what was likely to happen with these experimental injections. But besides all of this, I wish people would not talk about deaths from *ovid and a 'novel' pathogen. This myth of a new and deadly infective agent was the means, supported by the fake PCR test, to create the illusion of a pandemic, to create fear among the pubic and thereby to allow the WHO in league with pharma and corrupt governments and regulators to get these drugs on the market. The reality is that has been no pandemic, only a pandemic of testing and a pandemic of misdiagnosing deaths and a pandemic of inappropriate medical treatments causing deaths. Injections were never necessary - even if you believe there was something unusual or novel out there, it only had a IFR no greater than the common flu. That alone could never justify the mass medical madness of a campaign aimed at vaccinating every mad woman and child on the planet. Now we have a real 'pandemic of vaccine injuries and deaths' which is monstrous. This has been and continues to be a crime against humanity, injecting toxic substances into healthy unsuspecting people who were never properly informed about the risks of these unnecessary injections. I hope I live to see people hang for this crime — mass murder and wrecking of peoples lives — for that is what it is.

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I agree with 95% of what you said, but it is clear that the bioweapon virus, a US-China collaboration, is real and to a much lesser extent has led to death and disease. Just real enough and dangerous enough to justify the fake modeling and jab in every arm push. Remember, both contain a spike protein which leads to blood clots (the spike in the shot appears to have been engineered to be more problematic; not identical to the viral spike). The virus enters through the nose/lungs and can cause clots in the lungs, but the shots circulate through the whole body and cause all manner of havoc. They are bad news cousins.

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It is only ‘real’ if you believe in gain of function research which is the work of ‘virologists’. There is plenty of reason to believe, or at minimum entertain the doubt, that virology is a totally bogus science. https://odysee.com/@shortXXvids:e/Dr-Mark-Bailey,-Gain-of-Function-BS:7

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Yours appears to be the best theory of events. There was an asset and a countermeasure, each developed by the DOD/China collaboration. They exaggerated the viral spread potential and the severity so they could move to the MRNA response. The primary intention in all of this was to justify the experimental mass distribution of the countermeasure, which these craven opportunists were desperate to get to market. The military wants to get it ready for real-time immediate activation on the battlefield and to ensure continued billions in funding from Uncle Sam. PHARMA/medicine wants to eventually use it for all illness. They are moving us to transhumanism. Do you believe this was an intentional or accidental distribution of the first pathogen?

What do you say to the theorists who believe this was an intentional depopulation plan?

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I don’t really know if this was a ‘maufactured bioweapon’ or not.

Personally, I doubt that this kind of research can product anything when they are working with viruses because I see very little evidence for viral germ theory. Even if there was something, it has already been shown by Ioannidis to be no more deadly than an average flu. As you you say, and I completely agree with you here, this whole panic making (a massive psyop) was all about getting the countermeasure into the market and used on people. It’s a mass medical experiment with untested technology which could never deliver its initially intended use in cancer treatment because the LNPs are too toxic. They got it approved under EUA on the basis of a fake pandemic and no other alternative treatments. That was quite a massive deception in itself. The military are heavily involved because it fits their crazy interests in bio weapons, perhaps also transhumanism as you say but that seems very speculative to me. I just say these are toxic substances which should never have been given use authorisation.

It’s a crime against humanity pure and simple.

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Howard I think your observations are spot on.

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Rubbish. China does not allow mRNA at all.

It's your western governments complicity in the whole mRNA vaccination fiasco.

China bashing as usual.

Their inactivated vaccine has probably saved 100s of millions from receiving mRNA.

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Spot on, couldn't have said it better.

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Of course they will claim the Covid deaths would have been far more without this so called vaccine. Their model science giving the much touted 20 mil lives saved. More than likely the converse is true as described by @ABridgen https://twitter.com/ABridgen. With the statement in the UK house today by Matt Hancock and the Conservative Whip suspending pending investigation of @ABridgen.

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Certainly no lives 'saved' by these toxic injections. The estimates touted — and I've seen there is one for the UK of 112,000 lives — are based on 'models' and we know what that means.

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There is no COVID19.

If you read or listened to Andrew Bridgen MP recently, he would have alerted you to the fact that the Security Services warned MP’s in August 2019 not to take the COVID19 vaccines - as they were a bioweapon.

COVID19 does not exist in nature.

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Hence why they would never make the vaccine mandatory for Westminster

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At most a bad flu rebranded - but I doubt if it was even that. All they needed was the the fake PCR test to create a mass illusion of infection and they got it from a German, Prof. Christian Drosten. So a fake novel virus and a fake disease (fake because it has no unique symptoms).

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Would you happen to have a source for this claim? I search the web but could not find anything. Granted, things like that tend to be wiped from the net, so if you have a source, it would be much appreciated.

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What don't you believe? COVID19 test kits were being sent to countries around the globe in 2018. Never mind that COVID19 is a hoax, but every single pandemic going back 100 years have been fraudulent.

Please name one vaccine that works? I'll save you the time - ZERO.

Since 1989 - there has been 405 diseases - all coming as a direct result of vaccines.

Go and research the Rockefeller Lockstep document from 2010. Everything you've experienced in the last three years is in that document.

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I have been denouncing the whole sordid affair publicly since Feb 2020, multiple(20+) open letters in the press in my country (Belgium), and on social networks where I was suspended a number of times and permanently banned from LinkedIn and from appearing on national TV. I have no doubts this is a carefully planned attack on the world population. I am not aware of a useful vaccine with the possible exception of the tetanus vaccine, which can also cause adverse reactions. I have seen the evidence for the shipping of test kits, I don't find it very compelling, but it is really a minor detail and it doesn't change the point I was making about PCR testing. I just think that saying that viruses don't exist is detracting from the medical freedom movement cause and that's why I commented on this.

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Many people have produced articles, videos and papers about the unsuitability of the PCR test to evidence infection. The most authoritative is the Corman Drosten review report from 22 scientists and doctors published in Nov 2020. You can find it on Researchgate. For a layman’s primer try Dr Sam Bailey’s video https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/covid-19-behind-the-pcr-curtain:b Plenty of other videos on her channel explain the Covid scam.

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PCR is not suitable as evidence of disease, but is perfectly suitable as evidence of infection, with all the usual limitations of any test in medicine, such as false positive and false negative. As compared to other testing methods in medicine, in particular for the detection of infections, PCR has a number of advantages, notably extreme sensitivity and specificity. There are a number of shortcomings in the Drosten report as noted by their critics, which are understandable from the urgency of making a useful test available as quickly as possible, justifying also the extremely short review time. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the PCR in question works as advertised. All I am saying is that the fault is not in the PCR test itself, but how it was abused by the authorities. Had this virus been causing severe disease in children or young adults, it would have been an indispensable tool. Rather, the Covid scam was to pretend this virus was way more dangerous than the seasonal flu and to inflate the death count by counting death with the virus present as death caused by the virus, or claiming any respiratory infection was this virus even if the PCR test was negative.

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We will probably have to differ on this but regarding ‘infection’, this to my understanding can never be determined by a molecular test. This is because ‘infection’ is a reaction of the human body and requires the affected person to be showing symptoms which in turn can only be determined by a doctor. So a PCR test cannot by itself evidence infection. It’s inventor said the same and even Drosten, in his more honest days, said the same.

All that PCR can show is if a particular sequence of genetic material is found in a person, and that is certainly not enough to label someone as ‘infected’, especially when that person has no symptoms. There can be no such thing as a symptomless infected person. This is total medical nonsense and prior to Corona anyone would have been laughed out of medical school for suggesting as much.

In the case of a person having symptoms, doing a PCR test might be useful if the diagnosing doctor cannot determine what pathogen has caused the (obviously infected) person to become infected. Then it is being used, perhaps usefully, as an aid to diagnosis and appropriate treatment. But the correct procedure in this case would be to perform a differential diagnosis using a multiplex PCR which can test for more than one pathogen. This correct procedure was use in Thailand which had very few Corona cases. The Covid PCR test was totally misused by mass testing throughout Corona and, over and above that it was non specific, so more than just useless in that it helped create the illusion of mass infection when there was little or none present.

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Well, if you have a private definition of the word infection, sure, but the dictionary says:

infection. noun. in·​fec·​tion in-ˈfek-shən. : the state produced by the establishment of one or more pathogenic agents or microorganisms (as bacteria, viruses, protozoans, or fungi) in or on the body of a suitable host.

So you can have infection without disease, it is called asymptomatic infection. Apparently most people don't understand that for most viral infections, there is the complete spectrum from purely asymptomatic, to paucisymptomatic, symptomatic, severe disease all the way to death. The ratio between these different states vary depending on the virus being considered and the population health. Asymptomatic infection is very important in terms of controlling viral spread, because for most respiratory viruses, peak viral shedding occurs 1-2 days before symptom onset, so when the virus is particularly pathogenic, it is critical to identify healthy carrier of the virus, and nothing beats PCR for that. For SARS-CoV-2, about 5% are purely asymptomatic, but in terms of transmission, 50% is taking place before the onset of symptoms.

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No, not private, just different and I would argue more complete than the one you are using:

"An infection is the the invasion of tissue by pathogens, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agent and the toxins they produce. "

So you cannot have infection without a reaction of the body because 'infection' implies something is going on in the body. A PCR test cannot identify any of this . All it can show is a molecular entity in the body (no more than a fragment of a viral sequence). Whether that entity represents the full sequence of an active pathogen which has produced infection, or a residue of a past infection long since dealt with by the body's immune system, or a full sequence which the body's immune system has successfully neutralised i.e. not allowed to multiply absolutely cannot be shown by a PCR test. Also an infection is not the same as disease. Disease is an illness resulting from infection. You are equating the presence of a molecule in the body detected by PCR with 'infection'. It is not necessary to identify 'healthy carriers' of the virus because a healthy person is of no danger to anyone.

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Right but the pathogen was real. It was a bioweapon that prompted a later response.

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There is absolutely NO WAY to prove that someone would have been worse off without the vaccine. Absolutely no way to test it. Btw, they didn’t do many needed tests. The jabs are killing people. Period.

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There isn't a single vaccine that works, none.

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One of the best, easy to access, demonstrations of the ineffectiveness (at least in saving lives), of these experimental injections (I cannot bring myself to call them 'vaccines' since they are clearly not), I have seen. Well done. Yet, the legacy media continue to push these horrific injections. And the hounding of Andrew Brigden by the Conservative Party and the BBC, highlights how warped our politics and media have become.

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Thanks Marco. Much appreciated.

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405 diseases since 1989 are all adverse events from vaccines - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Excellent analysis. I feel compelled to share this link every time some dead-head politician spouts off about "millions of lives saved across the world". From this John Hopkins data-set - I'd like them to explain where.....exactly?

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Thanks Richard.

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Just fired it off to ask Charlie 'Fabricate' (dribbling his nonsense on GBN) and linking in Andrew Bridgen. Let's see if that manages to get me a third ban? Probably...

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Thank you so much for making this, I will be sharing it heavily! Excellent job!

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Not at all impressed, sorry to say.

In December 2020 my email exchange with UK MHRA proved that there is no virus in vivo or in vitro. There is only an in silico genetic sequence, created by recombining bits and bobs of gene sequences in a computer programme that were procured by rtPCR dubious methods in Wuhan labs.


As can be seen from the links provided in my article, I have good reason to suspect that the roll out of 5G, beginning in Wuhan for the UN Military Games was the root cause of the sickness we know as Covid19. The correlations are starkly obvious if you follow the 5G roll outs and the incidents of Covid around the world from Jan 2020 until present.


Now it is virtually impossible to avoid the overdose of electro-magnetic frequencies beamed at us 24/7/365 from low orbit satellites like StarLink and that explains why we continue to see people dying worldwide.

The vaccines were made using graphene hydroxide and this has shredded cells, veins, arteries and organs at a horrific rate. So there will only be more and more deaths until people realise that there is no virus - COVID 19 IS A TECHNOLOGICAL ILLNESS AND NOT BIOLOGICAL.


Dr Noack died trying to tell the world..... for goodness sake heed the man!

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That's a totally different point. And you may be right. But, based on the governments' own definitions of Covid more people seemed to have died of it post-vax than died of it pre-"Vax". Our video was about the pharmaceutical intervention. And this, clearly, has resulted, to some degree, in a spike of excess deaths.

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I made 3 points - the 3rd being the explanation for why the vax is killing people.

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We used a data set to make a valid argument. Simple.

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You are suffering from cognitive dissonance. Your 'valid' is utterly irrelevant.

1) I have proven that there is no virus.

2) I have shown what is really making people sick.

3) I have shown what is in the vaccines and killing people.


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Perhaps. Go make a case for your argument. Make a video. Happy to watch.

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Wow. You are so rude. Do you seriously believe that the only form of communication is by video?

I have written over 2,000 articles, but even though I have provided you with links you have not read them. Why should I make a video? So that you can ignore that too?

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You are going to dismiss what I say, but you are mistaken when you say there is no virus. First understand that from an epistemological point of view, you cannot prove a negative, that's a fact, so you cannot say I have proven that there is no virus. I read your exchange with MHRA. Yes, Drosten's design of primers for SARS-CoV-2 were not tested on a viral isolate, because he did not have one available in Germany at that early time and he used SARS-CoV-1 as a template, these two viruses having extended homologies between them, so for the purpose of developing the test, it was OK (this PCR testing was abused by health authorities for fear mongering, yes, but that does not invalidate the test itself, as Stalin said, "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do", so no matter the test, if the authorities decide to lie about the results of the test, they can manipulate the public). However, since then, many thousands of SARS-CoV-2 samples have been isolated and fully sequenced in many laboratories across the world. So this virus exists. I see a lot of people claiming SARS-CoV-2 does not exist : it is a red herring, it is poisoning the well, part of the psyop being played on people, you even have people claiming viruses don't exist at all. I am not strictly speaking a virologist, I am a molecular biologist and viruses have been extremely useful tools in molecular biology, I have worked with viruses for 30+ years, isolated them, cultured them, sequenced them, created some recombinant forms (loss of function!), including SARS-CoV-1. So I don't know whether you are sincere (my guess) or an operative sowing confusion, but in any case SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus causing a mild cold in most people and occasionally causing severe disease in predisposed individuals due to age or the presence of specific comorbidities, including being vaccinated due to antibody-dependent enhancement of disease.

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I appreciate that you are attempting to defend 30+ years of career but I challenge you to show me evidence that any of the claimed viruses exist in vivo or even in vitro. So far, all we have are recombinant in silico 'viruses' which can only be fairly described as man-made poisons. Can you prove that your 'viruses' can be properly isolated from a sample from a living person and thereafter infect another living person, according to Koch's Postulates?

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SARS COV1 does not exist. All of the scientific studies use PCR, which CANNOT detect infections.

You can make anything exist in a lab, but these viruses don't exist in nature, but similar coroanaviruses can be induced via EMF's.

What's being exposed over the last three years is the Big Pharma business model to make money by making people sick.

In a recent video interview, Dr Lee Merritt said: not only is COVID19 a hoax, but event the Spanish flu was a hoax.

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Very Interesting data, thank you. When you say cumulative deaths, is this all cause mortality or specifically COVID deaths? If it's the latter, what constitutes a COVID death? If it's a PCR test, is the data even admissible given what we know about PCR tests? Would be interesting to see excess deaths before and after vaccination

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Hi Dustin, as the Producer, rather than the analyst I hope the following answer is correct. But you may want to take it up with Joel. The deaths are specifically Covid deaths - the data compiled by John Hopkins University. As to the methodologies used to determine Covid death...well your guess is as good as mine. And there may be some variability across the data set. In some cases it may have been observed symptomatic data, in others it may have been based on testing. But the likelihood that, before and after, the deaths associated with severe respiratory disease are likely to have been categorised as Covid (even if co-morbidities were involved). But we believe the reporting is valid because we're only looking at deaths associated with such factors - and, presumably, compiled before and after in a relatively consistent fashion. That may be less the case now as respiratory disease or cardiac disease may not be as readily classified as 'Covid' related (for obvious reasons). Regarding excess deaths before and after vaccination - that's an area that Joel has been looking at in terms of UK data and ONS numbers. The problem is that excess deaths by vaccination status data reporting has stalled somewhat i.e. ONS isn't releasing the data. Joel writes about this on his site. https://metatron.substack.com/p/we-need-to-talk-about-excess-death

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Just to interject here, I also thought about what these deaths really mean and I think what they mean is the maximum number of deaths which could be said to have occurred from the natural action of the alleged pathogen on the various populations. Now consider that these ‘official’ numbers are likely to highly overblown by misdiagnosis, use of fake PCR test and all the other tricks which went on to incentivise a ‘died of the novel pathogen’ attribution so that gives a worst case base against which to compare the havoc caused by the injections. It’s as clear as daylight to me. We have posted this excellent video in the information section on our website http://coronacases.wiki/ which document legal actions against the Corona measures.

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Ok, I was forced to revisit this video - because some guy wearing a white coat thought he could assert authority over me. He lost.

Sadly, Jeffrey believes COVID is a real disease and also believes epidemics exist. None are true,

All epidemics and pandemics are PLANNED in advance.

I was debating Dr Mike Yeadon on Twitter in 2020 and I told him the virus and COVID19 was a hoax. Up until December 2022 he continued to peddle the fairytale COVID virus - when he finally admitted that there was NO VIRUS.

Let that sink in for a second, the former Vice President of Pfizer now admits there is NO VIRUS.

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Hmm. You may want to read my latest post for my opinions. The before and after video presents deaths attributed to Covid 19 by Johns Hopkins. Their categorisation. Their before and after picture. My opinions aren't presented.

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Amazing work well done and thank you.

Also amazing how those family/friends + others who we love and care for will no doubt continue to throw it back in our faces, in favour of their loving and caring government leaders who have all of our best interests at heart.

Just another day in the life.

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Why does music have to be added to everything these days including informational vids?🤔

What's it for?

To make it more entertaining?

But It's about conveying information not that.

If these experts were giving public talks would they have to have music playing in backgound? 🙄

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I'm sorry you don't like it. Video can be very flat without music. And narration is more impactful if can match the cadence of a music track. This video was more documentary in style so we thought it was suitable. Also the main track we used is called "Price of Freedom". We thought it was apt.

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I love the music, thank you for adding it. There is no reason at all why a video cannot be informational and entertaining at the same time.

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Fantastic music.

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Thanks Gary. Much appreciated.

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Research shows that emotion impacts decision-making for the average person (which I presume is the audience for this video). In this case I believe the emotion will help people see the sad truth, that this was a horrendous mistake that destroyed lives.

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You are not comparing like with like. You are presenting the data as though these were two separate populations, one starting vaccinating and one not. But that's not the case. One graph shows the early stage of the pandemic where the virus was less transmissible, fewer people had it and it was more deadly. The other line is for a quite different situation.

If you use 'before and after' data you would need to predict the outcome of continuing the non-vaccination and compare that with the actual outcome.

One way to do that would be to look at countries who started vaccination later and see what pattern emerged. But it would still be largely ;best estimate'.

The heavy background music suggests you are trying to convey a view rather than examine the evidence.

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This from Joel. Poppycock! First rule of Occam's razor - if you have to start making excuses why the primary expectation is not met, your primary expectation was most likely not correct. COVID deaths have to be lower before anything else. They are not. In 95% of the world. End of.

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Sorry. I don't follow this at all. How does it relate to my comment?

I am familiar with Occam: that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

However, the first rule of evidence is that you have to be comparing like-wit-like. You have to 'control variables'.

What you've done here is like comparing the habits of a group of people from when they started eating their meal with the habits after they are part way through and have then drunk a glass of wine.

To be a 'fair test' you'd have to compare two similar groups, neither of whom had started to eat, but one drinks wine at the beginning while the other does it part way through (or some variation.)

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Yours is the first comment I've seen coming from someone who seems to have a science background. It's an echo chamber in here. No one will be able to address your question because they don't understand what you're talking about. You might as well be speaking French.

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Mais oui, tu as raison, Jason.

When i was younger non-sciency people knew they didn't understand science and left it to the sciencys to tell them.

Of course, the sciencys were not always right (nature of science!) and so nowadays there's this new class of science-sceptics who claim they have better answers even though they have no mechanism for checking etc.

Ah well, we return to the Dark Ages. The hob-goblins, spirits, past-life deeds, imbalanced humors etc have been replaced by vaccine/COVID conspiracies, climate-change denial and a host of other ideology.

The fact that clean water comes out of the tab, electric cars work, Spacex goes to the Moon etc are now down to magic rather than 'science'.

Mais, comme vous l'avez dit, ils ne comprendront pas.

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Tout cela est correct, mon ami international.

You must know the Dunning-Krüger effect, oui?

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Get a grip.

You are selfish ignorant stubborn and offensive plus more.

I feel sorry for anyone who cares for you and has giving you their best in order to have it thrown back in their face in exchange for your loving caring world leaders.

You should be ashamed.

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And now we're giving 2 or three doses to infants ...


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