Feb 22·edited Feb 22Liked by Jeffrey Peel

It is hard to credit that there is anyone who still adheres to the narrative and yet, here they are, bought and paid for, proud of it, ready to perform all over again. Still, for all their calculating viciousness and effort, they're saddled with the law of dwindling returns. Do they not understand that they're killing off their own audience, literally and figuratively? Who will be left to applaud them aside from their own vapid echoes of bathos? They will be ignored and then spurned. They have no memorable fate but deathly silence.

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Written by murderes and played by murderes, it’s all an evil scam to kill half the population.

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It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

Thomas Sowell

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Is the world a reality TV show?

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It’s down to us to decide. I don’t want a Truman Show - I suspect you don’t either?

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And notice how they trot Assange out every election year then bundle him off somewhere between times?


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Then there's more as with every


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