A very good interview/conversation---Jeffrey neatly enables David Kurten to set out his stall on a all the major issues. He is right ---many/most of the electorate would oppose the globalist agenda once they knew about it. Interesting repeated references to "the realm" when King Charles is a leading figure in globalism, WEF, climate change etc plus the strategically placed flag....

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Thanks Hugh. David comes across as a really principled and decent bloke.

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Don't quite remember how I got here, vaguely remember reading about cats being only friends and mother looking for new beau! Good conversation with Mr Kurton and I'm sure if more people knew about how things were, they'd maybe take more interest. Cynical me (only since plandemic) wonders about all politicians allegiance. Kurten actually spells out how Brasil new boy (WEFFIE MAN) says he''ll do x, y, z, etc., then when elected, says, nah, not doing it now. He actually talked about capitalism being better than socialism, not corporatism, which to me, means huge conglomorates owning lots of smaller businesses. Re Post Office - definitely agree timing of this is for a reason, not for the accused, but as predictive programming. On another important topic, the case against female NI GP- any news?

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Jan 27Liked by Jeffrey Peel

Oh, edit, I meant Argentina, Milei, not Brasil!

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