That about sums it up. Duty and Service---do you mean a day's work? The response is wholly disproportionate. You did not mention wall to wall TV coverage. Charles' connection with Davos, private jets, 68b fortune, jet setting and questionable relatives/siblings and so on. The role of the extended Royal family must at least be examined---who are all those people who are paid for by the tax payer and expect to be looked up to? and this from a person quietly loyal.

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Charles may well go apolitical, as he has already thoroughly schooled the next in line to the throne. Remember William's speech at the jubilee? This may even be more dangerous as William will be lauded by the younger generation who are driving this madness from within society.

In addendum to her grant to the poverty fund, a documentary last year praised the people of Britain for sending in their food ration vouchers so the queen's wedding cake could be made - which she of course gratefully accepted, whilst the country was in enforced post-war food rationing for 10 years after the war.

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

Excellent Trish

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