Great article. I know this - 3 of my 4 sets of great-grandparents had to bury children. Cheap energy has given us all we have and we are throwing it away.

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There's been a misanthropic aspect of the environmental movement forever. It needs to squashed, it threatens all our lives. But that's not the entire environmental movement, there's another part of it that's interested in humans thriving with and in nature, the "philanthropic" part. That's the part that might actually save all our lives.

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So GB is built on coal----what if we had spent zillions (or less) making the coal fired power stations clean (filters, recycle the heat lost) would we have sufficient energy resources and kept people in work ( having modernised the process of mining), then we could have had steel works to build trains, bridges----and not have to import steel etc from around the world----using energy to do so. Or what if we had even considered it using a CBA.?

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Malthus lives. People living and thriving are a problem, not proof of the solution.

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Malthus lives on. People living and thriving are a problem, not the solution.

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