It’s been a while since I’ve written for TNE - but hopefully you managed to listen to (or watch) my chat with Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone Institute, recorded a few weeks ago. I asked Jeffrey to predict the results of the mid-term elections in the United States. He made the point that while the Biden administration gave itself a mission to eradicate the Covid 19 virus, it looked more likely that it would eradicate the Democratic Party - such will be destruction in the midterms.
There’s a strong whiff in the air that the democratic process is starting to be played out - and the globalist “leaders” will pay the price for imposing the command and control approach on the electorate. There’s a much clearer picture now of the methodology: seed the idea of a crisis or threat; engage the controlled media to amplify the threat; justify the command and control measures in an effort to be seen to be doing the right thing.
Neil Oliver has been one of the few commentators on the media to articulate the view - that many of us hold - that we’re being played. His weekly Saturday evening monologue on GBNews typically does the rounds on Sunday mornings on social media. But, this week, his piece reached further than many others.
Perhaps because it’s part of a growing tide of public opinion that knows - instinctively - that we’ve been duped, lied-to, coerced. First was the fear agenda about Covid. Then came the vaccine mandates and vax passes. Then the mask mandates. Then the nonsense conflation of warm Summer days with the climate agenda. Add in the spin about Russia-caused energy inflation. I’d assert that most people are cottoning on that we’re living in a government/media/corporate contrived fiction. Increasingly the mantras are seen as nonsense. But, still, the BBC denies any opportunity for true debate. Instead the news is dominated by faux-debates within the confines of the liberal-left fairytale storybook.
But we’ve arrived at the tipping point. It’s looking increasingly likely that Jacinda Ardern will be tipped out of office now that New Zealand is heading inexorably towards depression following the destruction of its economy and tourist industry by the Socialist harridan and WEF doyenne. Meanwhile the CDC seems to be starting the process of damage limitation by issuing new guidance that essentially disowns the idea of Covid 19 vaccine efficacy, the idea of asymptomatic spread, and the idea that tracking, tracing or quarantine serves any useful purpose. Meanwhile, at a WEF conference, the CEO of Moderna admits that no-one wants his jabs any more and they’ll likely end up in the garbage.
With the mock-battle raging between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak for the Conservative Party leadership (and, by default, prime ministership) the process of revision within the Conservative administration has started. Both claim that they resisted lockdowns (but merely looked at their shoes in cabinet meetings). As Foreign Minister Truss didn’t issue a single rebuke aimed at WEF-inspired Trudeau tyranny. Nor did Sunak make any views known about the abject squandering of public money (borrowed) to finance the nonsensical lockdowns, furlough payments or eat out to help out money spaffing.
If we don’t get some contrition soon there’ll be hell to pay. Holland is probably closer to civil war than we’ve seen in any European nation since the Balkan crisis - but the plight of the Dutch farmers and the single-minded evil of WEF-puppet, Mark Rutte, goes unreported by the BBC.
The start of the reckoning has started. It’s time for the establishment to take the hint.
It's lovely to find someone else in the UK who is not still suffering from Mass Formation Psychosis. Sadly not many of us left . A great email, very much appreciated. Bill Baker, Rayleigh UK
Excellent encapsulation of the mood felt on the ground Jeff. I just hope your optimism is well founded but I would not discount a major fear-porn event prior to the midterms to justify a cancellation, postponement or easy to manipulate the result adjustment to the voting process. Here in the UK one wondered why HMG spent £2billion of taxpayer money on fraudulent PCR test kits just a few weeks back until it was announced that the NHS A&E would be testing all patients for HIV from October 1 so now easy to see what the scare will be for the UK.