There’s little doubt that a power grab is in play. From the start of the new era, when most of the developed world decided to lock down (in near unison), we’ve been hearing relentless messages that digital technology will be needed more than ever.
Governments - clearly in hock with international actors like the WEF - are increasingly dominating our lives. Following the fear narrative associated with the Covid scam, we are now subjected to non-stop fear campaigns relating to the cost of living crisis (itself caused by the economic destruction of lockdown and the rigged war with Russia).
Governments, increasingly, are stepping in with largesse to ease the crisis, they claim. Support with energy payments (but no scrapping of ridiculous green taxes) and continued support for vastly expensive “green energy” schemes deliberately muddy the messaging. Neither of the contenders for leadership of the Conservative Party (and PM) will take the side of the citizen. Rather, Net Zero is touted as sound policy, despite its gargantuan price tag and scam credentials.
Matt Gubba - Founder of the International Liberty Form - today featured a speech by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the hapless EU, on his twitter feed.

Von der Leyen, clearly, has divided loyalties - between EU citizens and the WEF. But the bias is clearly towards the globalists of the World Economic Forum. Technology is presented as redeeming. Planning and central organisation are portrayed as for the people. Build back better (with government and central planners in control) is peddled as the ultimate new ideology - when we know it for what it is: communism or fascism. Take your pick.
Compare Von der Leyen’s Build Back Better ideology with Stalin’s Five Year Plan. Where Stalin talked about the development of heavy industry, Von der Leyen rambles on about digital technology. Stalin argued about the importance of agricultural collectivism while the EU President bangs on about the successes of centralised provision of goods and services during lockdown (overlooking its destructive effect on small business and risk-takers). And, of course, Stalin implemented a prisoner labourer plan, creating the gulag slave camps. Von der Leyen hints that new augmented democratic processes will essentially create a drone class, ordered by algorithm and behavioural policing. Enter Chinese style social credit.
However, the thing is, this is far from a slam dunk situation. In the United Kingdom, the pervading attitude of most people is that politicians are self-seeking, money grabbing shits - regardless of which political party they align with. In 2016, of course, the British public rejected the EU’s obsession with control and regulation and meddling in our lives. The brexit campaign was the greatest grassroots political campaign in our history and rejected the establishment's preferred way forward and globalist agenda.
People will reject the Build Back Better and Great narrative because they can see clearly what it represents: rigging markets, destroying organic economics, killing small business, and removing free speech.
Collectivist rackets always fail when confronted by human ingenuity and free will. These global thugs can pontificate all they want. They’ll lose. We’ll win. It’s only a matter of time.