
Dissent, Science and Scotland

In conversation with Professor Richard Ennos

I was introduced to Professor Richard Ennos by Hugh McCarthy. 

A few weeks ago Hugh was due to speak at an event in Edinburgh, organised by Richard. As you may know, Hugh is one of only a handful of education professionals in the UK to have spoken out against the closure of schools and disruption caused by Covid school closures and masking policies.  He’s also been routinely cancelled by mainstream media organisations and social media platforms.  

Like Hugh, Richard - a former Professor at the University of Edinburgh - has been a prominent dissenter. He organises - through his discussion group, Common Knowledge - a series of talks. But the planned talk, with Hugh, turned out to be troublesome. 

In this video conversation (recorded in my office a few days ago) Richard tells how one venue after another refused to allow a retired Head Teacher and a retired Professor of Evolutionary Biology to have a meeting in front of an audience to discuss the impact of globalist policies on children.  Quite how Scotland’s establishment has been so captured, and become so closed-minded, is as big a mystery to Richard - a quietly spoken and thoughtful scientist - as it is to the rest of us.  

We discuss - among other things - dissent, science and Scotland. 

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Many thanks in advance. 

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