Evil is perpetuated when immoral principles become normalized over time by unthinking people. Evil becomes commonplace; it becomes the everyday. Ordinary people — going about their everyday lives — become complicit actors in systems that perpetuate evil. (Jack Maden on Hannah Ardendt's, A Report on the Banality of Evil).
Nearly two years after the United Kingdom was first put into lockdown the rhetoric of evil is ramping up as the threat from Covid 19 wanes. Indeed, the nature of the threat – according to some – is less to do with the virus and more to do with people who can still think.
People who like to control – governments, globalists and archbishops – all claim to have some monopolistic position on virtue. And they are not afraid to point the finger at a section of society they wish to vilify. State sanctioned divisiveness is seen to be fair enough. Justin Trudeau, in interview recently, claimed that his administration had found a loophole to allow him to remove fundamental human rights from the minority – the unvaccinated. He can clearly see nothing fundamentally evil in his assertion that this minority should be persecuted. Like Adolf Eichmann, Trudeau embodies, in Hannah Arendt’s words, “the dilemma between the unspeakable horror of the deeds and the undeniable ludicrousness of the man.”
It’s true that Trudeau has, to date, stopped short of gassing his subjects or shipping them to concentration camps. However, the process is a continuum. Supposedly mild-mannered and banal bureaucrats in Montreal, Vienna and Alice Springs have all illustrated an ability to implement laws that anyone with a shred of human decency should be questioning. Covid-19 really isn’t so bad that we should be engaging in techniques to coerce people to do things that may ultimately result in genocide. The fact that our leaders are not calling out repulsive human rights practices makes some of us question if our own regime is becoming increasingly malevolent as it postures about morality.
Yesterday, another Justin – Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury – argued that the unvaccinated are immoral. Quite why he came to this view, isn’t completely clear. Perhaps the government and the globalists and/or the pharma companies have put him under some pressure. But we must work on the basis that pressure was applied, otherwise the conclusion we have to reach is that the key actors in our ‘establishment’ are - on a voluntary basis - becoming evil. They appear to be intent on creating a vilified minority. And the government (and its devolved puppets) seem quite comfortable to make the unvaccinated or the unboosted a new vilified underclass.
Therefore, we’re seeing the emergence of two groups in our society. One group – the communitarians – sees lack of compliance and free thinking as trappings of seditious anti-social behaviour. The arguments made against those they call anti-vaxxers are increasingly focused on lack of community spirit. There’s a sense that the communitarians know that the vaccines are a crock of shit, but that doesn’t matter. They’ve had the stuff injected on multiple occasions into their failing immune systems. Therefore, they argue, everybody should. They’ve all popped their heads in the fire, therefore everyone should.
Rejection of the idea that we should all resist putting our heads in the community fire is, according to Tony Blair, a sign of idiocy. Some of us think not.
Every admonishment by the communitarians of the free-thinkers merely strengthens our resolve. That’s how free thinkers behave. The act of defiance of the establishment and those who claim to be on a higher moral pedestal is what make unencumbered minds great. We are genetically defined as being contrarian to groupthink. It’s a genetic survival tactic.
However, the pressure is such that ultimately free thinkers will start to withdraw entirely from society. Free thinkers tend to be the most creative, most innovative brains (and traders) in society but they tend to reach a point where self-survival requires them to retreat and withdraw – along with others belonging to groups that have suffered in the recent past as a result of fascist behaviours by governments.
Earlier today I received a message from a well-known social media personality who has been very active in criticising the government’s pseudoscience based Covid-response. In fact, I believe he’d go further and argue that Covid is a construct designed to give carte blanche to the government to do whatever it wants to undermine all the human rights gains made since the enlightenment. And that Covid is a smokescreen to cover the fact that the central banks have so destroyed the global economy that a currency power-grab is going on and that the government is at war with its own citizens.
Like many others, he’s had enough argument, enough opprobrium, enough name calling. So he’s giving up. He’s closing all his social media accounts and he’s retreating back to privacy. He’s effectively going on strike.
This idea – of the greatest, free-thinking minds going on strike – was the main theme of Ayn Rand’s epic novel, Atlas Shrugged. As the state started to rape and destroy the endeavours of the wealth creators and entrepreneurs, they disappeared from view, apparently deserting the world. But they were watching from afar.
In one of the greatest pieces of rhetorical prose ever written, John Galt’s speech in Atlas Shrugged is very relevant for our current circumstances. But it’s the final paragraph that provides the answer we all need to survive this monumental era of destruction of free thinking, free will and free trade.
The world will change when you are ready to pronounce this oath: I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.