Alan Miller on the Tory Leadership Debacle
Jeff Peel chats to Alan Miller of TOGETHER about Conservative Party self abuse
There’s been a lot of discussion about the 1922 Committee vote on Boris Johnson’s leadership of the Conservative Party. The situation is complex.
Without doubt, Partygate was a key reason why MPs lost confidence in him. On the doorstep (do MPs ever really visit doorsteps these days?) constituents are angry. But, like Alan Miller of the Together Campaign (and Declaration that’s had hundreds of thousands of signatures) I’d question whether people are angry that Johnson broke the rules. Rather they, and Johnson, know that the lockdown rules were ridiculous, damaging, and evil. No government has the right to rob people of their liberty on the basis of flimsy evidence from virologists and “public health” experts.
The Prime Minister is claiming that he has delivered. He hasn’t. He hasn’t delivered Brexit (look at the NI Protocol). He has incurred vast public debt to pay for a structurally damaging Covid response. And he’s raising taxes to pay for the fiasco. And he broke his own rules.
BUT (and it’s a huge but) he may be the best of a horrifically untalented bunch on the Conservative front bench. He has, despite opposition, removed most of the absurd scientism-based regulations. And the UK was the first of the so-called major democracies to do so. Perhaps he realises it was a fiasco but knows that he can’t admit it.
And the Labour Party (Globalist/Woke) alternative is a repulsive alternative.
Anyway, I chat with Alan about the Tory shenanigans in the video above.
All of this is irrelevant political theatre. Alan still seems completely hypnotised by the illusion of democracy.
Remember we haven’t seen a SINGLE Tory ‘rebel’ MP resign in protest at what their party has done to the people of this country. All they’re prepared to do is talk in the hope that is enough to placate the plebs.